The South African Internet Governance Forum (ZAIGF)
Is a vital instrument in national digital policy. Its unparalleled repository of institutional knowledge and the diverse community of technologists, civil society organizations, businesses, researchers, and policymakers it has cultivated make it a cornerstone in Internet governance discussions.
Submissions are open until 3 March 2025.
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The mission of the Multi-Stakeholder Committee (MSC) of the South African Internet Governance Forum (ZAIGF) is to foster a collaborative environment wherein all stakeholders actively engage in matters pertaining to Internet Governance
Our collective endeavour is to shape the future of the internet, promoting an open, secure, resilient, and inclusive digital landscape while embracing innovation and fostering development.
We aim to establish a transparent, sustainable, and accountable model of Internet governance through fostering collaboration. We must unite our voices, empower nations with enhanced connectivity, and uphold the values of freedom and human rights as we navigate this rapidly evolving digital realm.
Considering these objectives, I extend a cordial invitation to every one of you to actively engage and participate in order to ensure the representation and advancement of our nation's digital ecosystem.


Shape the thematic focus of #ZASIG25

The ZA School on Internet Governance 2024
School of Internet Governance
Our goal is to build capacity within the Internet space while providing young people with the opportunity to engage with the private sector and government on issues facing them.
ZAIGF gives stakeholders the opportunity to engage in the debate on Internet governance and it contributes to capacity building, allowing these stakeholders to build knowledge and skills that will facilitate their participation in existing Internet governance institutions and arrangements.

ZAIGF does not adopt resolutions or create any binding pieces of legislation. Its importance lies in its unique ability to facilitate discourse between government, intergovernmental organisations, private companies, the technical community and civil society organisations that deal with or are interested in internet governance related public policy issues.
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At the beginning of each ZAIGF cycle, through a bottom-up, open online consultations, people from all parts of the world are asked to submit inputs on the most important internet governance issues for them. Based on the analysis and received inputs, the ZAIGF each year sets the programme thematic priorities for the country.
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The ZAIGF welcomes organisations and individuals from diverse relevant expertise and geographical areas around South Africa. The meeting is open to all members of the ZAIGF, government departments, private sector, civil society organisations and other institutions and individuals with proven expertise and experience in matters related to Internet Governance.
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